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The Licensing Organization’s Guide to Seamless Digitization

Licensing agencies are expected to do more with less.

But, the challenge is…

Many are struggling with shrinking staff sizes, cumbersome technology, and massive paper trails. They’re stuck trying to work within systems that are outdated, do not support virtual teams, and require manual data entry. Systems that don’t allow for easy automation or the ability to quickly make workflow changes. On top of it all, these systems are costly to maintain.

It's doesn't have to be this hard.

Download your complimentary copy of the “Licensing Organization’s Guide to Seamless Digitization” to learn how to create a more efficient organization –– one that’s built upon a foundation of technology and the stakeholder experience.

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What’s Inside the Guide:

Why licensing organizations must adapt
How to evaluate technology partners and solutions
Common pitfalls to avoid when implementing new technology
When applying automation is a costly mistake
How to establish baseline metrics

The guide also includes tips for building a more effective RFP and a checklist for evaluating partners and technology.

More than 300 mid-size and enterprise-level leaders are using the principles from this guide and realizing greater efficiency, collaboration and team alignment.


Ratio of staff to licensing requests
Evaluating Technology
Using Salesforce To Create A Virtual Licensing Agency
Salesforce is a powerful tool that can be leveraged to enable virtual delivery of services, automate processes and improve the customer experience.
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Meet the team behind the guide:

We’re MASTEK, a global Salesforce implementation partner. We build ecosystem architectures that put people at the center of it all –– and ultimately make you the hero of your organization.